MIME_Carla_BehalCarla Róisín






0031 639370013     0034656707554



Postgrado Teatro y Artes escénicas
Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (AHK)
Amsterdam School of Arts: Mime department

physical theatre performer and theatremaker graduate

Jet Lag Ideak
Irregularidades y curvaturas del presente

With Olaf Kehler

Carla Róisín Theatremaker
Own Work
  • Posthuman 2015
  • Paramnesia 2014
  • Anthem 2013
  • Violence trilogy 2012-2013


Wonderland. Makiko Ito
Wonderland children performances
Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (AHK)
Performer (stages and school performances)

With Sanja Mitrovic, Marlies Heuer, Alexandra Broeder, Sanne van Rijn, Golden Palace

Katie Duck Collaboration
Dance improvisation
L'Mono cultural centre
Performance and experimental theatre

With Olaf Kehler

Olaf Kehler Collaboration
Dancer at Catapult-Psikoklowns Collective



  • 19/20/21/22 june 2014: To the end. Directed by Sanja Mitrovic. Het Veem Theatre. Amsterdam
  • 2/3/4 April: Lawaai. Directed by Marlies Heur. De Theaterschool, Amsterdam.
  • 3/4/5 September: Das Umheiliche Huis, directed by Alexandra Broeder. Cruquisweg, Amsterdam
  • March: Holiday in Guantanamo Bay. Directed by MTG Blont. De Theaterschool, Amsterdam.
  • August: Manson performance. Direction Katie Duck. Orgelpark theatre. Amsterdam
  • 30/31 March:  “Fauna” with Sanne Van Rijn, Roald Van Oosten. AcademieTheater, Tweetakt Festival, Utrecht.
  • 23rd August: Manson performance. Direction Katie Duck. Orgelpark theater, Amsterdam
  • 19/21/ 22 December: Give us a moment, we lost it” duet by Carla Behal and Driek Voskens. Lindegracht (Amsterdam)
  • 5/6/7/ 8 October:  “Fauna” with Sanne Van Rijn, Roald Van Oosten (Frascati WG, Amsterdam)
  •  25th September: “Mr Hat” performance (for children) with Silvia Bennet (Plein Theatre, Amsterdam).
  • June: ” Mr Hat” mime performance, directed by Silvia Bennett  (Warka Festival, Amsterdam)
  • July:
    • Dance performance with Katie Duck, Kenzo Kusuda, Miri Lee etc
    • Messy freakatonys weekend performance with Katie Duck, Kenzo Kuzuda, Miri Lee.
    • “Rampentraining  for stewardessen” with Golden Palace Company , NDSM, Overhetij Festival (NDSM,Amsterdam)
  • 8th April   “Criminal Mind” Direction: Katie Duck,  Zaal 100 Amsterdam (cancelled)
  • feb: Solo piece: “Alice in Wilderland” (Lindengracht, Amsterdam)
  • 3rd November: “3D”  Direction: Manuela Tessi. Dancers: Miri Lee, Silvia Bennet, Carla Behal. OT301 Amsterdam
  • 23rd October: Dantzan Bilaka 2010 Festival.  “Susurros de los silencios” Direction: Olaf Kehler Bilbao, Basque Country
  • 17th October: “Irregularidades y curvaturas del presente”. . Jet Lag Festival 2010. Museo Maritimo Bilbao
  •  25th September: “Kidnap” Direction: Katie Duck. Dancers: Miri Lee, Manuela Tessi, Carla Behal. Zaal 100 Amsterdam.
  • 5th September: “Wonderland” Music Dance Performance (Makiko Ito, Sylvain Meret, Carla Behal). Overtoom 301 Amsterdam. 16:00pm
  • 22sd August: Duck Projects – “Criminal Mind” single studio Eerste Nassaustraat 7 Amsterdam (same building – up stairs as the studio seven) Direction: Katie Duck and Alfredo Genovesi, Film: Ilaria Honsinger, Dancers: Vincent Cacalano, Merel Roozen, Carla Behal Trueba, Music: Alfredo Genovesi
  • 30th July: Open Rehearsal for “Irregularidades y curvaturas del presente”, project awarded to be performed in Jet Lag Festival 2010 (Bilbao)
  • 27th June:  “Shelter 01 performance #2″ Direction: Carla Behal and sculptor Dusan Rodic with his work: Shelter01 (dancers: Manuela Tessi, Miri Lee, Artemis Lampiri, Sayaka Akitsu, Francesco Barba,Carla Behal; musicians: Alfredo Genovesi, John Dikeman, Robbert van Hulzen, Santiago Botero)
  • 9th June: Dance performance “Summer Match” (OT301, Amsterdam)
  • may 2010: ”Ramona Hartu Emona” Kafé Antzoki (Bilbao),  directed by Eneritz Bilbao, ACT Festival.
  • 9th May:  Wonderland performance. Into Water (Makiko Ito, Anne Van Ballen, Manuela Tessi) OT 301
  • 2sd April: “Shelter 01 performance”, music dance performance collaborating with Dusan Rodic and his sculpture work: “Shelter 01″
  • 3rd March: “Winter in lights” Dance performance with dancers: Or Hakim, Sayaka Akitsu, Merel Rozen, Artemis Lampiri, Makiko Ito, Sylvain Meret.
  • 25th February: Duck Projects performance. “Criminal mind” Direction: Katie Duck
  • December: Mugagabe 2009: Music/dance/Video Performance: “La Jaula”, with Olaf Kehler and Travis Flint (Cultural Center, Urduliz, Spain)
  • November: Improvisation performances during FIM2009 Festival (Bilbao) with Olaf Kehler, Sara Paniagua, Travis Flint(visuals), Amir Shoat, Joel Cahen and Johann Merel (electronics) and Alfredo Genovesi (electric Guitar)
  • October: Mugagabe 2009: Music/Dance/Video Performance: “La Jaula” with Olaf Kehler and Travis Flint (Cultural center, Astrabudua, Spain)
  • October: Jet Lag Bio Festival 2009:  Street Performance with Olaff Kehler, Travis Flint (visual artist) and Reyes Oteo (experimental electronics) with visual projections on Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao)
  • June/July/August:  Apprentice with Magpie-Umbrella Music Dance Company, performing in projects of the company such as:Wonderland performance for children (Cultural centre 301 Amsterdam),Music/Dance 301 (cultural centre 301 Amsterdam),Performance  Studio K (Amsterdam)
  • March: Street performance with Rodin sculptures (Gran Vía, Bilbao) within the theatre postgraduate project   (University of the Basque Country)
  •  January: Performing in “Mas Arte Agua” Festival with “ArteArtean” assotiation in Barakaldo Theatre with coreography: “3dBiela”



Short Films, actress (New York Film Academy, Claro de Luna …)

Opera extra (Aida de Verdi, BEC)

Film extra (Open Graves, directed by Alvaro de Armiñán)
Advertisement spots

Performing in a local festival “Zorroza” of Bilbao with Olaf Kehler

Improvisation sessions in L’Mono: colaborating with musitians and visual artists:  “Icy demons”,  “Za”,  “Au”,  “USA is a Monster”,  “Huggabroomstick”,  “Everybody Knows”,  “Lighting Bolt”, etc

Improvisation sessions in  Muelle 3 (Bilbao)

Participation in several festivals (Bizkaia): Schools, International Day of Dance (2003,2005,2006), La Fundición, Teatro de Santurce Theatre, Cultural Hall of Barakaldo (Inaugurating Arte Artean Association), Palacio Euskalduna (Dia de la ONCE). Etc, FIM Festival

Dancer in Antzoki de Llodio (Bizkaia).

Secretary of the performing arts association: Arte Artean (foundator member)

 Choreographic Works (2006-2009)

  • “Solo” (summer 2009) – Solo Performance Project
  • “34 minutos” (2008-2009) – Solo Performance Project
  • “3D Biela” (2008-2009) waith Maite Vega
  • “Zara-tak!”, (2007-2008) with Maite Vega
  • “Sorda!” choreographer: directed by Gotasne SanMiguel,  (2006)
  • “Nexo”,(2006)

Theatre Training (2006-2014)


2010 – 2014

2010-2014 mime school graduated . Amsterdam School of Arts.

 Mime Department ( de Theaterschool, Amsterdam School of Arts)
acting:  Karina Holla, Loes van der Pligt, Willemijn Zevenhuizen, Maarten Lok, Sarah Ringoet,
mime: Jan Taks, Fabian Santarciel de la Quintana, Riet Verhelst, William Dashwood, Fried Mertens, Irene Schaltegger,
dance: Katharina Conradi, Irene van Geest, ….
 Marijn de Langen(theatre history),
Marjan Linnenback (singing),
Duo Savar (acrobatics),
Nadege Chaumont(Yoga), John Silberg (ChiKung)


  • February-/April:Orientation course for the Mime Department, AHK (Amsterdam School of Arts) with Fabien Santarciel.
  • 2008/2009: Theatre Postgraduate (University of The Basque Country),  teachers for movement: Idoia Zabaleta Morán ,Julián Herrero Muñoz, Mar Navarro. other theatre teachers: Mª Jesús Cueto Puente ,Inmaculada Jiménez Huertas ,Mikel Arce Sagarduy, Patxi Urkijo Labrador, Josu Rekalde Izagirre, Juan Crego Moran, Rosa de Diego Martínez, Pedro Basáñez Billebeitia, Ana Mugica Anduiza, Pere Planella Reixach, José Miguel Elvira Aretxabaleta, Idoia Merodio Arrizabalaga, Alejandra Novoa, Fernando Valgañón Esnal, José Luis Raymond Aldecosía.
  • 2006/2007: 1st year of The Acting School In Bizkaia (BAI, Barakaldo ,Basque Country)

Dance Training (1998-2010)


  • April/July: Workshops: yoga, modern dance, ballet, improvisation
  • January/February: Intensive Course for Choreography SNDO (de Theaterschool, Amsterdam)
  •  November/December/January:  Dance improvisation with Katie Duck,Vincent Cacialano and Alan Mc Dermont (Bilbao,Amsterdam)
  • September-December:
    • Improvisation with Olaf Kehler (Bilbao)
    • Amsterdam Dance Centre/Henny Jurriens: Jack Gallagher, Martin Sonderkamp, Frey Faust, Sanna Myllylahti,   Cathy Martin, etc.
  • June/July/August:
    • Apprentice program with Magpie Umbrella Dance Company (Amsterdam) with: Katie Duck, Makiko Ito, Manuele Tessi, Paul Estabrook, Sylvain Meret, Aimar Perez Galí,  Sharon Smith, Vincent Cacalano
    •  “Dantza Kodeak” (Analysis and Studies of the actual contemporary dance) with Helena Golab , Isabel de Naverán, Igor de Quadra and Idoia Zabaleta in University of The Basque Country and researching in a choreographic work. (Bilbao)
    • Ballet dance with Carmen Vera (Bilbao)
  • 2008/2009: Contemporary dance, contact, and improvisation with Olaff Kehler in L’Mono (Bilbao)
  • December/January:  Workshop with Katie Duck in Amsterdam (Netherlands)
  • December:
    • Masterclass with Henri Oguike Dance Company
    • Taichi  with Tom Yang (Muelle 3)
  • November:
    • Performance, improvisation with Katie Duck in FIM (Multidiscipline Improvisation Festival) en L’Mono (Bilbao).
    • Masterclass with Hofesh Sheschter Dance Company
  • October:  Masterclass with National Dance Company of Wales: Diversions
  • September: Taichi Workshops with Tom Yang (Muelle 3)
  • April: Yoga – Flamenco course with the assotiation “Baile en el Aire” (Las Alpujarras, Granada) with Isabel Liptay and Noemi Martinez.
  • February: Contact course in Muelle 3, with Ruth Berikoetxea and Adriana Gascó (Muelle 3)
  • 2007/2008: Contact- improvisation  with Olaff Kehler in L’Mono
  • July: Contemporary dance course: “Encuentros Arte eta Kultura”, with Johanne Leighton
  • 2006/2007:  
    • Ballet dance in Estudio Carmen Vera
    • Masterclass with company Linga and company Daniel Leveillé in Euskalduna
    • Different courses:  African dance en UPV (University of The Basque Country),
  • 2006/2007: Contemporary dance in La Fundición (Matxalen Bilbao), and in the cultural hall of Barakaldo (Gotasne San Miguel)
  • 2006: Contemporary dance course: “Encuentros Arte eta Kultura”,  with John Jasperse
  • 2002/2006: jazz, contemporary dance, hip-hop, funky: Estudio Espiral.
  • 1998/1999: Gim jazz, jazz : Estudio Espiral  (Teresa Churruca)