Carla Róisín is a theatremaker, dancer and actress born in Bilbao, Spain. She graduated from the Mime Department (AHK, Amsterdam) in 2014. She creates multidisciplinary performances, including dance/mime, music and visual art. Integrating concepts of magic realism and neuroscience to create the ´´supervisible´´, the work focuses on body versus image, beauty versus darkness, and presence. The relationship with the audience involves strong visual and sensorial impulses.
The work of Carla Róisín Behal can be described as surreal and existentialist, airing a mysterious and intriguing atmosphere in which daily realities blend with strange universes, and sometimes escaping the understanding of the spectator.
Carla Róisín Béhal started her vocation training in dance and theatre (contemporary dance, contact improvisation, release technique, Stanislavski, Grotowski, Lecoq, Decroux etc). During this period Carla was a member of Psikoclowns/Catapult Collective and L’Mono Cultural and Performance Investigation Centre. As part of the L’Mono in 2010, won a prize for the Jet Lag Ideak Festival (Arts and Technology Ideas) together with Olaf Kehler. In 2009 Carla was invited by the choreographer Katie Duck to join her Amsterdam based Magpie dance company. Here she worked with musicians and dancers including Katie Duck, Alfredo Genovesi, Kenzo Kusuda, Miri Lee, Makiko Ito, Manuela Tessi and Silvia Bennet amonst others. In 2010 Carla joined the Mime Theatre Department at the Amsterdam School of Arts. During these 4 years, she has worked with Golden Palace, Sanne van Rijn, Marlies Heuer, Alexandra Broeder, Sanja Mitrovic etc. In 2014 she collaborated with the scenographer Felipe González Cabezas (Tenerife, Spain) and was granted with Amsterdam Funds for Arts (AFK) with her performance ”Paramnesia”. In 2015 she created her work ”Posthuman” which with was presented at OverHetIj Festival. In sept and oct2015 she was a resident artist in Barcelona (Tragant Dansa) and Bilbao (Muelle 3).